FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

What is a group break?

A group break is where multiple people pool together to share a box, multiple boxes, case, or cases by dividing up the product by team, division, player, or some other method.

What is a random team group break?

A random team group break is where products are assembled, by the breaker, and people purchase a spot. There is no option to choose the team you receive, rather, the team is randomized before the break.

Why randomize the teams?

This is a fair way to ensure everyone receives a team and allows for the break to happen. Picking teams can lead to people not receiving their team, as it’s already sold out. There is a level of excitement in generating the team live, directly before the break.

What is a PYT break?

PYT stands for Pick Your Team and is where you purchase a specific team in the break.

When does my break happen?

Review the Calendar page to see when your break will happen. All breaks depend on the break selling out. All times in the calendar are shown in MST.

When do I get my cards?

Upon completion of the break, all cards will be sleeved, top loaded and sorted immediately. Orders ship out in two (2) business days following the live stream.

Where can I watch the break if I missed it?

All breaks will be live on YouTube and can be found on my YouTube Channel